Sometimes I have to pinch myself that where we live, day after day, is actually a vacation destination for many people who come from far away to spend a weekend on the beach. They may have saved money for months to afford a few days splashing around in the waves and relaxing on the san that makes up our neighborhood. I feel such gratitude that I can zip down the beach road on a whim, as we did yesterday, with less than two hours to spare; we simply needed to swim in the sea. It was almost 100 degrees outside and the sun gleamed in a brilliant blue sky. So off we went, while Kai was at camp, to the beach. The older two boys swam gleefully as I read Bread and Wine and dreamed of delicious meals to make my sun-kissed family for dinner. At one point I looked up and snapped this photo of my view. Then I pinched myself. This really is our home , our daily vacation spot, the place my boys have now lived for longer than anywhere else in their lives. We are living this beachy ...
This is great, Misty! I definitely need to focus on organizing more intentionally these days as we are back and forth between two homes due to my dh's work. This series should really help me! Thanks! Look forward d to getting to know you over at the Bibe Study, too!
ReplyDeleteI love how you talk about the corners of stuff that bother you but will just stay that way unless you do something about it. Seeing your list and plan in action, I will be getting on-board soon! Love the word REVELATIONS even more than intentions!
ReplyDeleteI've put this off long enough! Printing the list tonight. Better late than never! :)
ReplyDeleteOh man! I'm just trying to find a pen that works! ;)