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Daybook 3-10-2011

A photo thought

Outside my window… a beautiful peaches and cream sunrise.
I am thinking… about leaving for Arizona in two weeks!
I am wearing… workout clothes.  Going to Zumba after dropping the boys off at school this morning.
I am hearing…Chuggington on TV for my littlest and the older boys discussing the latest Pokemon DS games Black and White.  You'd think they were talking about Libya for how serious they are.
I am thankful for…a woman who stopped me after Zumba class this week to exclaim that I couldn't possible have three sons that old.  I told her how old I was and she said I looked a decade younger!  I only share this here because I was feeling a bit low and she seemed like an angel sent to cheer me up! (And to say that the upside of needing to lose weight - fewer wrinkles!)
I am going... to work on this cool website I came across this week My Job Chart.  It is an on-line chore chart website that is completely free and customizable and I think my older boys would love to be self-sufficient in logging their completed tasks on-line.
I am hoping…for some Springtime thunderstorms this afternoon.  
I am praying for… my husband - stress, stress, stress!  So much to do for work and so little time in the day!
I am reading… still finishing Major Pettigrew's Last Stand by Helen Simonson.   It's a bit slow but still endearing.
I am pondering...what to plant in our yard.  There is much room for additional landscaping shrubbery and I love learning about which plants require the least attention and bloom the most!
God is leading me… isn't it interesting when you find you have really had an impression of something God is leading you to do?  I have been thinking about Lent, writing about Lent, helping my sons decide what to do for Lent and yet my own ideas and plans remained a confused jumble.  Then at Ash Wednesday Mass I simply sent up the question, "What would you have me do Lord?"  All day I let it be.  I abstained from meat and fasted a meal and waited to have a direction for the rest of  Cuaresma.  All afternoon it was impressed upon me and as I thought about it, I realized that not only could I do that, I felt I already had the graces necessary to help me through.  I am actually excited now.
In the kitchen…simplicity reigns.  I read a blog yesterday that said during the first week of Lent she doesn' t even cook.  All meals are simple and fresh.  Got me thinking. On Monday I made Chicken and Dumplings .  The boys loved it - me not so much though it was fun making the dumplings from scratch.  I found it in Southern Living's mini cookbook pamphlet you might see in the check-out aisle.  I found lots of great recipes to try in that cookbook!
Around the house…so many medium-size organizing projects to do today.  Am actually in the mood to weed, sort, toss and donate.
One of my favorite things…these Goody hair twists.  They are truly so easy and have eliminated the barrette for my half-up hairdo.   (I actually have a smaller set of three I found at Target.)  I even tried a messy bun yesterday and it held all day long!

Joining Simple Woman in March


  1. What a beautiful seascape photo, so inspiring.


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