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Daybook 4-7-11

A photo thought
Only one month left as a two-year old!

Outside my window… 
The most beautiful sunny morning.  Two days ago at this time deck chairs were blowing over and the power had gone out for nearly thirty minutes.   April came in like a lion and now feels like a lamb.

I am thinking…
Of all the projects I want to do around the house but somehow have no energy to do them at the moment.  

I am wearing...
My new "uniform": dark jeans, black tank top and flowy black knit cardigan from Target.  It feels like pajamas but looks like an outfit.  Ideal.

I am hearing…
Birds chirping through my open office window.  My toddler playing trucks on the other side of this computer monitor.

I am thankful for…
Terri's successful trip to Germany for treatment, my sister and brother-in-law who are coming to visit (and babysit?) for the nest week, flowers blooming, new mulch, being able to stay home.

I am going…
To Trader Joe's for fresh food and flowers for company!

I am praying for...

The repose of the soul of Grama Rose who passed away this week and whose funeral is tomorrow.  She was my husband's Grandmother and she was both tough as nails and soft as snow.  A tribute to her amazing life can be read here.

I am reading…
The Awe-Manac by Jill Badonsky.  It is kind of a daily devotional for creative thinking.   Sometimes it's fun to doodle in a diary and feel like a teen again.

I am creating…
Sandwich-style poster-boards with my sons for their school's annual book parade.  I bought them this book at Target the other day and this was the scene for an hour after first cracking open the cover:

They each decided to use this new book for their book posters.  They have been reading non-stop since.  Luckily it is the first book of a trilogy!  

I am pondering… 
What to do this summer.  I think this year we will not do VBS or any school-related camps.  While that sounds wonderful I also know that can lead to looooonnnnnggggg summer days when running through the sprinkler or even going to the beach have lost their luster.  Maybe this is the summer to pack up and head "home" to visit family for the month of July.  Oh, and there is the matter of our 20th high school reunion as well - zoinks!

God is leading me…
To trust and to wait. To practice satisfaction with what is rather than what might be or what I want it to be.

In the kitchen…
Minestrone soup, pumpkin bread, apple pies for company, fresh berries on yogurt, mixed baby green salads with cranberries, blue cheese and walnuts and a glass of Malbec.   If I get a chance I want to try my hand at making rosemary foccacia for dipping in olive oil, balsamic vinegar and parmesan.  I am making myself hungry!

Around the house… 
Literally ~ we planted 62 new plants on Sunday.  Pink carnations, lavendar lilacs, blue speedwell and fuscia sea pinks.  Color and fragrance.  Also planted lettuce, oregano, thyme and rosemary on my deck for tasty summer meals.

One of my favorite things…
This ridiculously fun ring!  My two favorite colors are pink and green and when I saw them combined with sparkles I was swept away.  I wear it and pretend to be fabulous!


  1. What do you mean "pretend to be fabulous?" you ARE fabulous!

  2. I was going to say the same thing Louise said.


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~Grace and peace to you~

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