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7 Quick Takes on Friday ~ 2

These flowers amaze me!  I have never lived near magnolias before and I am stunned by how huge not only the flowers are but how gigantic a magnolia tree can grow if left alone.
I know these pictures are blurry.  I had to snap them quickly outside of Target while my three children were heading into the store without me!  One of these blossoms could be an entire bridesmaid's bouquet!


My new favorite thing to do is to go bike riding with my three year old son.  He has a tiny bike with training wheels and we pedal around the large loop of our neighborhood - his  feet spinning five times faster than my own.  He forgets to look up, he swerves into the middle of the road when he glances behind at me, he gets hung up, back tire spinning off the ground, when he goes too far up the curb.   Even hardened construction workers break into a grin when they see him coming.  


My husband and I actually had fun washing the windows last Saturday.  They were two-years-grimy with pollen and dirt and rain water since we only recently had gutters put on the house.  Who knew how much our spirits would lighten with the added brightness?  Beautiful.


REFRIED LENTILS = Yum!   Needing a side dish for some tilapia the other day I spied a can of lentils in the pantry.  Inspired, I lightly sauteed some scallions and garlic in olive oil, added the can of lentils (drained) and cooked and lightly smashed them in the pot.  A little salt and pepper and whamo - a new side dish favorite of my sons' was born.  Next time I will double it.  There were no leftovers for my husband when he got home from work.


Company is coming for my second son's First Holy Communion.  For the next ten days we will have between three and seven additional family members staying in our house!  I am so excited to have lots of time out on the deck, watching the kids play while grilling and chilling (pardon the cliche - I just couldn't resist).  In fact, in light of the recent shattering of my wine glass, I picked up some adorable plastic wine goblets at Target for $1.99 each and they look real!


Yesterday my parenting beliefs were put to the ultimate test (so far).  While walking out the door my third grader realized he had forgotten to do his homework.  The homework I asked him to do the night before.  The homework he chose to put off and do in the morning instead. The homework he had completely forgotten about until five minutes before he would be tardy for school.  He exploded in worried tears and hands-clasped begging to stay home and finish and then arrive to school late.

What would you have done?

Heart breaking for him, I sent him off to school to face the music.  I believe in natural consequences.  We believe in taking responsibility for our actions.  We do not believe in rescuing our children from every uncomfortable result of their choices.   He went, albeit tearfully and unwillingly.

I prayed for him all day.  When I picked him up after school I asked what had happened.  A bright smile split his face as he informed me that he had had a substitute and no homework had been collected!  In a way we both learned a lesson yesterday.  


Lilacs - my all time favorite flower.  It says childhood home to me.  We used to pluck each tiny little bud and sip the "honey" from the end.  I have never had a lilac bush of my own but now I have three.   Two Bloomerangs and one President Lincoln.  I had to order the P.L. on-line and the greenhouse advised me not to plant it in my zone - too warm for old-fashioned lilacs to thrive.  I didn't care.  I planted it and I am hoping that it will bloom at least enough for me to bring one heady bunch into the house to scent the whole room some warm May evening. 

Have a wonderful weekend!  

If you have time, stop over at Conversion Diary to read more 7 Quick Takes.


  1. I love how the homework episode turned out. I was sure it wouldn't be the end of the world. Your son will remember this and maybe do his homework in a more timely manner. I, absolutely think you have the right idea about consequences.

  2. Oh lilacs! Just heavenly... And my heart felt for you as I read about the homework. We have had that same situation before and now, well, he is usually the one asking me where his homework is. :) So tough. (But I cannot tell you the number of times that my husband has just said, "natural consequences". Nothing else needs to be said.) Congrats, too, on the First Communion. Such an exciting and special day!

  3. Hi! I just happened to wander through tonight. I have newly discovered magnolias too, and we just had our First communion. . . enjoy!!!


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