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End of School Daybook 5-26-2011

A photo thought

Outside my window… 

Leaves and branches everywhere.  Two nights ago we experienced the closest thing I have seen to a tornado in our own backyard.  I do know tornadoes - I've seen one across the river in the distance as a child.  I have hidden in the cooler of the Mexican restaurant where I worked along with all the patrons as a funnel cloud hovered overhead.  But the other night I truly felt we might be in the actual path of a tornado at home.  Trees were bending at the most awkward angles and leaves were literally swirling overhead rather than simply falling to the ground.  The local news reported a doppler indicated tornado just blocks from our neighborhood.  The children began to cry.  Pasta boiled on the stove, the electricity flickered and my husband simply waved me away and continued his conference call!  Luckily his instincts were correct.  Now we just have lots of debris to collect from the yard.  In light of Joplin and all those suffering from tornado damage, it was a harrowing experience.

I am thinking…
Of my father-in-law whose birthday is today.  He's the kind of man who makes me feel very protected - especially having lost my own father when I was two.  I love you!

I am wearing...
Clothing that is going to be much too warm for the weather today but with the air conditioner churning day and night it is chilly in here.

I am hearing…

I created a Michael Buble'  station on Pandora and I am in love with the variety of music especially French singer Madeleine Peyroux.  Somehow these slow songs make me feel like the lazy days of summer.

I am thankful for…
All my family who made the trip to our home last week.  I am blessed.

I am going…
To pick up my boys at noon today.  Tomorrow is their last day.  Time to think summery thoughts.  Slip-n-slide has been purchased!

I am praying for...
~My son's second grade teacher whose two year old son passed away today after falling into the pool on Saturday.  Please pray for Charlie and his whole family.  My heart is breaking for them.
~All tornado victims.
~My family members who are sandbagging their home near the Missouri River.  Water stay away.
~The repose of the soul of my dear uncle and for the blessed baptism of his grandson.  A funeral followed by a christening has a beautiful full circle feeling to it.

I am reading…
Order in my home.  I have completely organized all boys' rooms, books, toys and closets. Now onto the attic in preparation for the neighborhood yard sale in June.  It was very well organized.  The sale is on a Saturday.  Anything left outside on Monday morning will be picked up by a Veteran's Donations truck they have pre-arranged.  Perfect!  One way or another the stuff will be gone!

I am pondering… 
What type of summer activities we will do around here.  I need the boys to have a schedule without days of endless video games.  Any suggestions are welcomed.

God is leading me…
To trust in the rightness of trying to lead a holy life.

In the kitchen…
Buttered toast with the BEST jellies I have ever tasted.  I found them at TJMaxx for less than you can order them here.  Might I recommend the Strawberry Peach?

In the garden... 

This gardenia bush just burst into bloom beside my deck.  The scent is delicious and the flowers remind me of starfish on the sand.

One of my favorite things…

Essie Smooth Trick Cuticle Oil.  This little squeeze tube can go in your purse without leaking and adds that finished look to dishwater-dried-out cuticles.

OPI Strawberry Margarita nail polish on my fingers and toes.  (That's it above.)  Now to get one in my hand!  :)


  1. Oh my goodness, there is way too much to catch up on! I just read your blog in a long sorry about your uncle! The photos of your family's visit are priceless. Loved your Daybook post today. I've been lost without our chats! I saw you called today but needed to stay focused on my packing while my mom was taking care of the kids. I am procrastinating right now by fiddling around on the computer. Ugh. I just had a cup of coffee (yes, caffeinated!) and I will be up packing more...set up Michael Buble on Pandora just now! Had to laugh that when I brought up Pandora, Sesame Street songs started playing. Tee-hee. Such is life, and I love it. Miss you and love you more. xoxox H2U!

  2. Thanks Jenn! I have also really missed our chats. I hope the move is underway and going smoothly. Glad you will have some music to listen to - hope you like the station! Call when you can!


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