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Savoring Summer Saturdays {Tinto de Verano}

Want to take a mini-vacation?  When the summer sun is getting too hot and mama needs a break at the end of the day ~do like the Spaniards do~ make a wine cooler.

Tinto de Verano can be translated loosely as "summer red".  It is a refreshing, fizzy, sweetened red wine drink with only two simple ingredients: red wine and sparkling lemonade.

I first tried this drink as a college student studying in Spain.  I didn't even like red wine back then but this mellower version of sangria was the perfect alternative on sweltering Sevilla evenings.

Here's all you need to do:

Fill a glass halfway with ice.
Add red wine to halfway.
Top with fizzy lemonade (I use Taste of Inspiration Sparkling Sicilian Lemonade.  Spaniards use Kas Limon or Casera if you can find it.  Even real lemonade with a touch of tonic water would work!  You just really need some fizz.)

Sit back and pretend you are sitting on the balcony of your Spanish flat, surrounded by bougainvillea and watching life go by on the streets below.  For the next thirty minutes you haven't a care in the world - the laundry is done and folded, dinner is made and for this moment, you can just. be. still.

Buen provecho!

Want to see more Savoring Summer Saturdays recipes? How about Frozen Chocolate Milk or Iced Coffee?

Joining these parties:

Weekend Bloggy Reading @ Serentity Now

Join us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up party!


  1. Aaaah... this looks really good. Sangria is a favorite of mine. :-)

    God bless!

  2. I will be trying this for sure!

  3. !!! I was just telling my sister-in-law about Tinto de Verano! I lived in Spain (in Pamplona) for a year and I was introduced to this drink during Spring Break in Punta Umbria. INow I always make it with San Pelligrino Lemon Soda (from Costco) and Rose wine- so yummy! And my husband loves it too!
    Do you know about the "winter" version of this drink? Calimocho (kalimotxo) which is half red wine, half Coke? Also very yummy!

  4. Hi Misty, I could go for a swig of that right now. Thanks for sharing with the newbie party.

  5. Sounds so refreshing! I love a good red wine, but my liver could definitely appreciate cutting it with the sparkling lemonade. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Perfect! Any version of Sangria is fine!

  7. Mercy, this looks SOOOOO refreshing!! Would you have any ideas for an non-alcoholic version? Visiting from Debbiedoos Newbie party :)

  8. i love it! although i get tipsy in a second :)

  9. This looks delish. I'm going to have to give it a try this summer. Right now I'm working my way through a Frozen Sangria bucket. It's like a Sangria Slush.

  10. That looks simply refreshing! I'm going to have to try whipping some up soon. Thanks for sharing at the Newbie party. :)

  11. Sound delightful! My (Italian) father used to mix red wine with ginger ale. Don't know what you call that but it was good too!

  12. I can't imagine the combination...going to have to give it a try! :)
    Kara @ The Chuppies/NOBH

  13. Hmm.. This looks so yummy and refreshing!
    Thank you so much for linking it up to {nifty thrifty sunday} last week!

  14. Thanks for sharing this recipe. I tried it on the 4th and it was so yummy and refreshing!


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