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Four Under $10 at Target for Christmas {Pretty, Happy, Funny Real}

I have no shame in admitting I am already listening to Christmas music and decking the halls around the house.  All while eagerly planning my Thanksgiving menu no less.  Everything about Christmas just makes the world a happier place for me and I plan to savor that feeling this year.
I am also unashamed to admit that
I adore Target and they don't even pay me to say that!  Here are four Christmasy things I found to help me get in the holiday mood - all for less than $10.00!

$8.00 Tinsel trees that come in red, silver, green and multicolored.  These are easy to stick in children's bedrooms, beside the fireplace or, in my case, I am going to try to put them outside on top of my pots with the dead mums in them.  :)

Don't you love the dollar spot at Target?  This $1.00 snowflake bucket makes a great pen cup.  (Flair pens are extra of  course.)  It could hold a teacher's gift card or a small stack of homemade cookies wrapped in tissue.
See the new Michael Buble CD over there?  For $9.99 you can enjoy his warm as cocoa voice singing you It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas and it's so good you may even start to believe him!

These four Nicole mini polishes are $9.99 and the names made me smile.  Try painting the extra snowflakes please over any other color. I have already had several compliments on my toes!  And here's a real bargain idea, split them up as stocking stuffers and make that money go even farther.

While I was attempting to take these very average photos my real life snuck into the pics.  Here KC is admiring the colorful pens.  I had to promise to make art with him after the photo shoot to get him to leave them alone.  
Notice the feet in the upper right corner?  ZJ was reading his new book on the staircase and I instead of asking him to move I just cropped those feet out of the first photo. 

Sharing here every Thursday

round button chicken


  1. I can't believe Advent starts in three weeks! I think I need to get out and get that Michael Buble cd :) I bet it is amazing.
    Enjoy your Christmas decorating!

  2. Wow! That motivated me to get moving on November, Misty :) ! I loved seeing your pretty/happy/funny/real. I agree- all worthy.

    I am gifting some friends with the book coming out next week as a surprise, so I didn't want to post it on my page, yet. If you're looking, plan on reading for a while!

    Thanks for stopping by. Love to see your avatar!

  3. Oh. Michael Buble'. Yes. That would certainly get me in the spirit. (Love the fingernail polish, too!)

  4. You are my kind of girl. :) Pretty decor! Oh, I can't WAIT to get mine out!!!

  5. Yay! Always nice to see a follow 'listen to Christmas music early and not feel bad about it' girl! :)

  6. I am so going to Target on the way home today! You put me in the Christmas-y mood. :)

  7. I know you're not showcasing your home, but that wainscoting and the staircase is beautiful! I like the idea about the mums, mine are dead, too!

  8. I love Michael Buble. I saw that CD in the Target catalog and was wishing it was a bit closer to Christmas. I LOVE CHRISTMAS! Haha...too bad it never really feels like Christmas in Texas to me.

  9. I am LOVING the nail polish!
    Gosh, I miss Target. SO SO much!!!
    It looks like you guys will have a very festive and cheerful holiday season!!! (And now that you've said you're already listening to holiday music, I might finally give in. I've been DYING to turn it on!)

  10. Got to love Target! Lucky you to come home with such great finds!

  11. Love Michael Buble'and sparkly toes!

  12. I've been dying to get back to Target after spotting a few new ELF eye shadow palettes for under $10 and now I'll have to check out that nail polish, too! I have several loved ones on my list who would appreciate any of those!

    I also love Michael Buble...may have to check that out, too.

    Thanks for the tips! And I love the stockinged feet in the last photo.

  13. well, I was listening to Christmas music at Kohl's today while I shopped. I'll hold off a little while longer for at home listening BUT I'm so glad you told me about the Michael Buble cd! How wonderful! Have you ever listened to Straight No Chaser's Christmas music? You'll love them- they have TWO cd's!
    thanks for the great tips!

  14. I'll have to get that CD for the library - thanks for the tip!


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