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How to Create Art in Five Minutes

As I have mentioned before, my word for this year is CREATE.  Painting with watercolors is one area in which I have been experimenting.  Michael's has a really inexpensive line of art supplies called Artist's Loft.  I bought the watercolor paints and a few brushes as a way to get started without much investment. (Everything is around $5-$10.)  

Being a part of Alisa Burke's on-line class called Create Daily, has awakened my senses to the many opportunities to create quickly.  Sometimes we get caught up in the idea that we must have large blocks of time set aside to be artistic.  Surely, we think, it takes an afternoon to paint, collage, journal or compose a few lines of poetry.  Well, if you are seeking perfection, it does.  But if you are seeking to revel in your simplistic ability to create something imperfect instead of nothing at all,  there are moments of creative inspiration everywhere you look!

On this particular day, I opened my daily poetry email from Everyday Poems, to see this photograph of beautiful red berries in winter. (I wish I could tell you who took the photo but I cannot locate it.)

Inspiration struck.  In a few moments I had laid out my watercolor set, a cup for water and a piece of white cardstock.  A few pencils sketches followed by a little dab of color and voila, I had created a hand-painted card.  

I wasn't overly proud of how it looked but the thrill it gave me just to have made it was purely delightful.  (In this case, not being a perfectionist serves me well!)

So I am sharing this story with you today to encourage you to let go of perfection, let go of the idea that you must have closet full of art supplies and an entire afternoon free to "do art".  What if you turned away from this computer screen, picked up a pencil and a blank slip of paper and simply tried to sketch something within your view right now?  If it makes it easier, call it doodling.  Just try it.  I bet you'll like it.  No one is watching but inspiration is there, just waiting for you to welcome it into your life.

Sharing here:
Work For Me Wednesday


  1. Love it! I am getting a lot out of the class too...

    1. Thanks Molly. I am enjoying all your posts about what you have been creating!

  2. This was great to read! I am definitely in the "Ineedlotsoftimetocreate" camp! Thank you for the reminder that it's sometimes the process and not the product that matters most, and that "good" can be better than "perfection!" I will have to devote more time to mini creativity in the future! Great post! :)

    1. Hmmm - you may have coined a new term for me - mini creativity!

  3. Hi Misty,

    I love your post! I am a non-artist with a yearning to create. I especially like the idea of playing around with colour. So I have been doodling as you suggested. Yes, the results aren't professional but I am satisfied! Actually, I have a draft blog post of my doodles which I am going to publish to encourage other non artists to give drawing a go. Thank you for sharing your artwork. Your winter berries are beautiful. I am feeling all inspired to try another doodle.

    1. Please come back and link your post in my comments when you do share it! :0

  4. i love your sweet little
    watercolor picture

    the point of art
    is to create

    and since nothing in the world
    around us is perfection
    than our reflections of those things
    should be perfect either

    tho' i do think your berries
    are perfectly sweet!

    thanks for sharing at Fridays Unfolded!


    1. Thank you Alison, I will definitely be linking up there again.

  5. I am so glad you shared. I confess to *not* having those artistic urges, but my son (11yo) does. I could set up a little box for him and allow him to experiment more often. I recently did a post about resistance to the kids pulling out the art supplies. But I know I need to let go. This son, especially, needs that outlet.

    BTW- you should be proud of how it looks. I think it is gorgeous!

    1. You know I have been amazed at how my little artistic attempts have inspired my sons to do the same. I have now bought them each a Smashbook and we all sit together and craft. Never in a million years would I have thought that would happen with boys! So fun!

  6. Hi Mysty, thank you for the lovely comment on my blog. The piece of art on my altar is by a very talented artist called Leah Piken Kolidas, her is her shop and art gallery

  7. Oh how beautiful! You did a great job.

  8. Oh this is great! My goal this year is to embrace imperfect... so your words speak right to me. I think it is a darling little painting. That pop of red is fantastic. There is something about watercolors that is always so beautiful to me! I am so happy you joined us 'in the studio' this week Misty! Hope to see you again! :)

  9. I agree. There's something wonderful about making something with your own two hands. For me, it's in the kitchen. Even if it doesn't always turn out great, I'm so happy to make something new.


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