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April 24th Daybook

After a soggy weekend the entire week ahead is destined to be absolutely beautiful.  Cool temps and abundant sunshine.  I treasure these last days of windows-open weather before the air conditioner stays on day and night and the blinds must be left down in the heat of the afternoon.  Not this last week of April.  This looks like Spring and feels like Spring and I will rejoice in it!

Of all the wonderful visitors who come to my blog and leave me such encouraging comments.  I don't make any money from my blog so the number of comments I get are purely for fun for me and to help me make bloggy friends.  But I will admit that they give me such a boost of joy.  To find out that anyone else out there enjoys my creative adventures in this space is so surprising and fulfilling.  Just last night two people left me these blessings:

Hi Misty,

I absolutely love reading your blog! It's become a part of my nighttime reading routine over the past few months:)

And your VLOG was really cute:) I have not tried Rimmel before, but that mascara looked awesome!

Joan :)

Hey Misty, I've been quietly following your blog thru a reader. I was tickled to see that you'd done a vlog because that way I get to see and hear you, too! I think you did really well, especially for a first time!

Thanks for the makeup tips. I'm a contact lens wearer so I'll have to see if the eyeliner and mascara are waterproof. I will definitely check out Rimmel's lipstick and gloss.

Good to see you! :)
Debbie Grace

Joan and Debbie are referring to the first video I posted of myself on this blog in which I referenced my latest make-up favorites from Target.  I cannot tell you how silly I felt making and then posting that little spot so each and every bit of encouragement has been appreciated.  And thanks to all of you "lurkers"  who read and do not comment.  I still appreciate you taking the time to read regularly!

My favorite yoga pants, black tank top and sky blue zip up jacket.  

Doc McStuffins on the TV for KC.  This new Disney cartoon has totally captivated my little guy and our whole family can be overheard singing along with the catchy tunes.  I highly recommend it for the pre-school set.
On my iPhone I am listening to Joyce Meyer's TV broadcast entitled "Facing Fear and Finding Freedom" .  If you haven't listened to her teachings lately I strongly suggest you do.  They are full of humor and relational insights not to mention good Biblical references.  I love how she challenges us to take control of our thoughts rather than living as victims of them.  (She has a great free app too so check that out!)

thankful for…

Last week we temporarily became a family of four boys as we were entrusted with the full-time care of our friend's four year old son while both parents were out of town for work.  He is an only child and simply soaks up the love and attention of my boys who equally adore him. 
Taking good care of another family's most important treasure gave us all such a good feeling. I am grateful to be available to help my friends when they are in need.

praying for...
Last week was also very very heavy due to the tragic  car accident involving a teacher from our school and her entire family.   Her teenaged son perished in the crash which  was made even more devastating  because this same family also lost their two year old son to drowning last May.  So many people in our community are asking "Where is God in this tragedy?" or "Why would God let this happen to one family?"  I choose to see it this way - they are blessed that anyone survived that accident, that they did not crash into another vehicle on the highway, that they are a family with a profound faith in God and that they are deeply loved by our community.  God is always here and now their older son is in heaven with their baby boy.  I beg your prayers for them all and I pray that we all choose to lean into God in this terrible time and not to block him out from helping us to heal.  Now go hug your kids a little longer.




Garbage!  I have that particular Springtime purging inclination and yesterday I threw out (recycled) an entire garbage can  of papers from my desk, shelves and files.  Oh that feels good!


MENU PLAN for April 23-29
Monday-  Capellini pasta with pink sauce and Greek meatballs plus Chocolate Chip cookies
Tuesday-  Leftover pasta and salads
Wednesday- Nutella sandwiches and strawberries
Thursday-  Salamida Chicken kebabs with bell peppers and onions and garlic rice
Friday- Leftover kebabs and rice
Saturday- inRL party at my house - I have yet to plan this menu! My husband will be taking the kids out somewhere...
Sunday- Bobby Flay's Crunchburgers on the grill


Saw this in a magazine and it started me dreaming...  :)

A massage today!  I can hardly wait.

a photo to share...


  1. Love your picture! Have a blessed week :)

  2. Aren't comments fun? I love them too! I'm glad to hear Doc McStuffins is good. I recorded it for my 4 year old but haven't played it for her yet. I thought the commercials looked cute. Sending prayers to the family in your school who have lost two sons. I can't even fathom what they are going through.

  3. Cool temps and sunshine... love that! Hoping the temps cool down a bit here. We were right by 90 today! Adorable boys! Praying for that family. Love the tiny pinecone! :)


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~Grace and peace to you~

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