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Catholic Woman's Almanac :: vol. 2

abandoned farm house near Linton, North Dakota where my father-in-law first viewed television
Moments of Gratitude
~naps (for me, too)
~phone calls with family much missed
~stacks and stacks of juicy good books to read
~my four-year-old getting a new bike

Beauty in the Ordinary
a surprise snail-mail from a blogger in Germany made me smile

From the Kitchen
I canned two batches of jam.  One just plain strawberry and one I call Two-Berry which is the same recipe just replacing half the strawberries with four cups of fresh blueberries.  Both batches turned out perfectly (yay!) and I was able to send a few jars out to neighbors and friends.  Now the boys want toast and jam for breakfast everyday so I had better get to baking more bread!

This photo does not do justice to the delicious steak and veggies I made last week.  I am so afraid to make steak that I almost never do it.  This recipe combined with a commercial for WalMart steaks convinced me to try.  I did not make the chive sauce but used red wine and a bit of butter to create a pan sauce.  I also used Mrs. Dash's Steak seasoning and kosher salt to season the meat and added many more minutes to the cooking time as I like my steak well done. It was so good I will be making it again very soon.  

Hot Spots
(I am adding this category to consider any projects that I feel are in need of doing this week.)
1.  Gift wrapping closet organized
2.  Book donations to library
3.  Get boys started on summer schedules

praying Mary at old-time cemetery

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.  Romans 10:17

My boys return to school on August 20th.  That suddenly seems right around the corner.  I need to get started on the marathon project that is buying and organizing the school supplies each teacher/department requires.

~to the boys~
Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty 
~in print~
The Baker's Daughter by Sarah McCoy and Dinner {a love story} by Jenny Rosenstrach

a dreamy craft room ~ I would love this!
the four gift rule ~ thinking ahead to a simplified Christmas

Looking Ahead
I am in the mood to go swimming everyday at my sister's pool, wear no make-up, sip iced coffee in the shade and eat at my sister's favorite sushi restaurant. Can't wait to go on another little road trip next week.


Share your almanac every Monday at Suscipio


  1. Hi Misty, I have always been super well done steak king of girl until last year when my husband and I ate at a fancy restaurant. Chris ordered prime rib and it looked raw to us, but we figured they knew what they doing. The taste was incredible! So now he orders grills our meat medium, although I like my medium well.

    1. I know some people who think their beef should still moo! Ewww~

  2. Um, meant to say "kind of a girl" let's blame it on the baby in my lap shall we!

  3. seem so organized : ) A girl after my heart...although not much energy these days to be as organized as I would like to.

    Where do you find the time to do all this?! Cooking, crafting, writing, photography...I am amazed. God bless ya!

    1. "seem" is the operative word Theresa! I only get one thing done at a time and everything else is a mess! No, seriously, I think you have inspired me to write a "keeping' it real" post in which I admit to all the recipes I had planned to make and never did, all the crafts I hoped to create and didn't and even the mess I am staring at right over the top of the computer at the moment. Stay tuned! :)

  4. I just love that picture of the farmhouse... it's like I've dreamed it before. Beautiful. Enjoy your road trip... there is nothing like sister time.

  5. I love this - "stacks and stacks of juicy good books to read" - I need to look at my pile of books as a blessing, something I "get" to do, not something I "have" to do! Thanks!


  6. I love a peek into your world with this post! So many wonderful, beautiful things! I love that first shot. And your jam looks delicious! :)

  7. Yum...jam!

    Have a wonderful week.


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~Grace and peace to you~

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