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100 Days of Summer Fun 2014

Actually we only have 75 days of Summer this year but according to Pinterest there is plenty of time to do 100 fun things with your family between May and September. But I am not the kind of crafty mom with high expectations of making homemade kites and rainbow-colored cakes. I also don't want a list of obligations that make me feel like I failed summer when I don't get them all crossed off.

No, our list is more of a round-up of all the potentially beautiful moments and activities that will be possible for us this summer. One thing I would love to do is photograph each of the items as we do them, share them on IG, and at the end of the summer create a photo book of the images using Printstagram. I think I'll need to create my own hashtag to keep the photos grouped together such as #mm100days. This is my level of doable. Maybe my list will inspire you to add some new ideas to your list. If you have one, please leave a link for me in the comments so I may read yours too!
  1. have a picnic
  2. suntan by the pool
  3. have a cabana pool party
  4. go to an outdoor festival
  5. make ice cream
  6. have a water-balloon fight
  7. stargaze
  8. play in the blow up pool
  9. see the sunrise
  10. take a road trip
  11. sleepover at a friend's house
  12. go to the farmer's market
  13. see an IMAX movie
  14. blow bubbles
  15. sit in the shade of a tree
  16. read by flashlight
  17. water-color painting
  18. call your Grandparents
  19. go to a museum
  20. find a new beach
  21. eat from the ice cream truck
  22. grow basil
  23. go to the water park
  24. plant flowers
  25. do one IG photo a day
  26. go to the library
  27. make cookies
  28. play cards
  29. watch cartoons
  30. send printed pictures
  31. swim in the ocean
  32. roast marshmallows
  33. have a bonfire
  34. make Popsicles
  35. build a fort
  36. run through the sprinkler
  37. read all day
  38. see the sunset
  39. have a friend sleepover
  40. visit Grandma's house
  41. go bowling
  42. see fireworks on the 4th
  43. drink lemonade
  44. read poetry 
  45. make jam
  46. write a letter
  47. find a new park
  48. make a bird feeder
  49. play with sparklers
  50. watch a thunderstorm
  51. play in the rain
  52. go on a bike ride
  53. write thank you notes
  54. go on a scavenger hunt
  55. play charades
  56. build Legos
  57. play board games
  58. read stories aloud
  59. clear out closets
  60. summer reading logs
  61. drink milkshakes
  62. catch fireflies
  63. make a video
  64. drink root beer floats
  65. eat ice cream cones
  66. go for a nature walk
  67. play yard games
  68. visit the bookstore
  69. try a new restaurant
  70. fill out school-year memory book
  71. cook/bake together
  72. Smash-book
  73. botanical garden
  74. go for a hike
  75. see a waterfall
  76. play at the rec center
  77. create a summer photo book
  78. eat outside often
  79. make a puppet show
  80. play flashlight tag
  81. eat popcorn for dinner
  82. do a family puzzle
  83. play with cousins
  84. see a parade
  85. write a story
  86. make art with sidewalk chalk
  87. grill out using a new recipe
  88. buy new school supplies
  89. buy new school uniforms
  90. do a good deed for someone
  91. write in a journal
  92. send a post card
  93. practice drawing
  94. ride a ferris wheel
  95. play in a tent
  96. visit an aquarium
  97. jump in a bounce house
  98. play in an arcade
  99. make special Father's Day cards
  100. take a nap


  1. My favorite is #51 :-) Have a good summer and the most awesome summer photo book (an heirloom in the making)!


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~Grace and peace to you~

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